Yeah, Nah
-Australian Proverb.
Aussie 1: "Hey mate, you wanna go fishing later?"
Aussie 2: "Yeah, nah mate, the wife wants me home"
The quintessential Australian proverb: "Yeah, nah" perfectly summarises this beyond the pale chocolate.
A combination of silky milk chocolate, Carolina Reaper, Bhut Jolokia and 16,000,000 SHU pure capsaicin- it is going to hurt.
$5 from each purchase goes to support the work of ReachOut, Australia's leading online mental health organisation for young people and their parents.
1- EAT IT: Stick that little skull in your mouth, chew and swallow THEN read out as many of the jokes from the poster inside the package for 3 MINUTES.
2- FILM IT: Take a video of you trying the Uncle Mungo's Challenge, the bar and packaging must be in view.
3- UPLOAD IT: Tag @Unclemungos in your Instagram or Facebook feed along with the hashtag #unclemungoschallenge.
4- FEEL GOOD: Get a feel good knowing that your entry is going to help young Australians with their mental health!
1 in 4 young Australians are experiencing a mental health difficulty. But there’s an even bigger problem: 70% of those who need help don’t get it.
That’s 525,000 people.
You probably know one of them. They might feel like they don’t have anyone to talk to about what they’re going through. Maybe they don’t know where to go, or they don’t even realise that they need help.
After friends and family, the internet is the first place young people turn to for information and support. That’s where comes in.
The mission of ReachOut is to deliver innovative e-mental health services that enable young people to take control of their mental health and wellbeing.
Everything on is developed in partnership with young people, making it relevant and engaging.
Plus, it’s all based on the latest evidence for promoting mental health, making it trustworthy and effective.
It’s a safe space for young people to learn about what they can do to get through tough times and, for many a chance to help others through their tough times.