A bastardised combination of 9.6M SHU Oleroresin Extract and 16M SHU Capsaicin Crystal, this is the be all and end all for heat seekers.
Use in *miniscule* amounts added into foods (stir fries, bolognese, jerky, sauces) to add EXTREME HEAT!
this product contains oleoresin capsicum which is the prime ingredient in pepper spray (oc spray). It also contains pure capsaicin which is the hottest chemical in the world and both ingredients are known irritants to humans and mammals.
-Use and handle with extreme caution.
-Eye, breathing and skin protection must be worn.
-Only use in well ventilated areas.
-Don’t be a dick and give to people without their knowledge.
-By purchasing this product you acknowledge and agree that you do not have an allergy to chilli, capsaicin or nightshade nor do you have blood pressure, heart or breathing related issues.
-By opening this product you agree to release Uncle Mungo’s or any of Uncle Mungo’s stockists/distributors from any and all liability that may occur related to injuries/illnesses that may occur from use of this product.
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Rating is 5.0 out of five stars based on 1 review
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This is incredible stuff. It took me 4 weeks to develop the courage to try it, but so worth it. Hot, yes. literally redefined the term for me. Normally there is a fire, a heat that burns. However, the OC converted this to something I can't describe as anything but sizzle. It's like pop rocks made of heat.